Our Products

Robotics Application Monitoring
STEP's RAM provides best in the market solution for testing live applications. Using RAM, one can test their applications with synthetic traffic to ensure that all processes run fine and increase customer engagement. Selecting a few targeted transactions or all permutations of transactions, RAM experts train their BOTs to follow the predefined paths and report in case of failures.
- Exposes all the faults in the Functionality of the application before customers
- Maintains incident management report and sends notifications
- Prioritization of the issue raised by the BOT, and forwarding it to the development team for corrections.
- A fine consolidated platform that helps with BOT management, Deployment, Dash boarding and Escalation Management.
Robot Controller
STEP’s Robot Controller is one of the most multifaceted platform in our arsenal. Simply defined as a centralized controlling platform for managing BOTs and processes along with a Dashboard. A Master tool for controlling all RPA enhancement at your organization.
Robot Controller Benefits
- BOT Management
- Deploy BOTs
- Schedule BOT execution
- Manage multi-purpose or MASTER/Slave BOT’s
- Process management
- Manages the environment & package versions
- Deploy & monitor processes
- Maintain Performance and defect log
- Scheduling jobs and managing processes
The controller however tracks and records data for all the processes and BOTs, keeping it safe and secure for audit.

Metrics Alert
STEP brings you Metrics Alert, a Alerting tool that helps you quickly with meaningful metrics empowering faster decision making in your business. Gauge your return on investment by defining the KPI and Metrics using ratio builder feature of Metrics Alert, that has its own predefined formulae to meet your specific analytical requirements. Metrics Alert automatically keeps your data in sync and tracks your data history making it available for comparison of time periods and explore historical trends.
- Quickly view metrics of your projects, bugs, test cases, sprints etc
- Effortlessly create meaningful metrics charts and dashboards with the intuitive interface.
- User Stories, Sprint, Releases can easily be created in a few seconds, with any rules and formula in Metrics Alert.
- Select from our collection of 50+ predefined metrics, as per your needs.
Test Management Tool
STEP presents a game changing package, a blessing for Quality Analysis domain, our very own STEP Test Management Tool. Advance your testing endeavors with quality assurances and save on valuable time with STEP’s Test Management Tools. Designed to integrate all testing tools under one roof to help your QA and development teams with collaboration and accelerate product delivery schedule. Altogether, a multipurpose tool for Test Management, that makes enterprise level testing faster, easier and helps with documenting, monitoring and scheduling tests as specified by the scope of the test cases.
- Suitable for entire Software Testing Life Cycle
- Requirement Traceability Metrics
- Test Design and Execution
- Schedule, plan and monitor Manual and Automated Tests
- Defects Management
- Project RAG report, visual representation for errors or error prone paths
- Continuous Integration with Jenkins
- Empowered with STEP Robotic Test Automation platform

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Alternatively, drop us an email at info@steponestepahead.com or give us a call at +91-7021959842.