BOT Audit
BOT Audit
The Automation industry has just began its boom and we can see its wide-spread growth over all industry sectors. Many repetitive processes have been taken over by Automated Software “Robots” or BOTs. Depending on the size of the organization, we observe a complexity in BOTs maintenance as compared to its implementation. The necessity of managing risks when deploying RPA technology is understood by us and that’s what a BOT Audit can help you with. Understanding the multi-threaded business processes that the BOT handle, apart from its own defined tasks of security, controls, and log reports. We study the organizational changes that are made while implementing a process Automation BOT since we understand that if it not done properly it may lead to risk exposure as compared to other applications.
Hence our BOT Auditors sit down with the respective organizations leaders to examine the business case thoroughly, planning each phase with necessary assumptions, learning the hierarchy of the BOT environment in the organization and going through reports of previous audits and BOT performances. Our BOT auditors precisely check compliance policies and processes with respect to deployment and maintenance of BOTs. We maintain our own checklist for BOT Audit from the point of view of every involved risk and respective considerations.
Phases of BOT
Key Risks & Mitigations
Benefits of BOT Audit
BOT Licenses
Timely Checks for organization software Licenses and respective compliances
Strategise RPA & Governance Body
Analyze the impact of RPA on control privileges, monitoring mechanisms and operations process. Assess changes in roles and responsibilities after RPA Implementation
Data Security & Privacy
Check for data accuracy, security and integrity
Cyber Threats
Auditing cyber security of organization and extending it to cover BOT environment
Incident Management
Mandatory check over Incident reporting, analysis and handling with respect to RPA environment
Business Progression
Design or assess the clients contingency plans of Complete IT Failure, Recovering capabilities, Manual takeover
Regulatory Compliance
Regular BOT implementation impact BOT security and data management assessment
Identity Controls Management
BOT process controls and User process controls are separately maintained and check for BOT admin access

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Alternatively, drop us an email at info@steponestepahead.com or give us a call at +91-7021959842.