Hand of robot working

Scriptless Test Automation

What is Robotic Automation Testing?

Robotic Test Automation provides faster delivery of test execution, rather than getting bogged down in creation, execution, and maintenance of test scripts. RTA reinvents traditional application regression testing by removing the need for test script creation and maintenance. It eliminates the excessive cost, effort, and complexity of traditional testing methods, allowing you to significantly accelerate major projects and run a regression test before every application release.

Why Robotic Test

Generally Automation testing is capable of performing test scenarios within the scope of the test data and test environment for complex and repetitive test cases.

However, RTA is capable of functioning robustly in live environment and handle live business data.

Both Automation Testing and Robotic Test Automation require training over the test data with business scenarios. Hence, at base level both share the same roots.

Therefore, we believe, Robotic Test Automation is the right service for your software testing requirements and save valuable time and capital resources.

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Benefits of RTA to a customer

70% faster than the manual testing 0
Early time to market 0
Tests can be designed to cover all application features 0
Reliable Results 0
Ensures Consistency 0
Saves Time and Cost 0
Improves accuracy and Efficiency 0
Human Intervention is not required while execution 0
Better speed in executing tests 0
Re-usable test scripts 0
Test Frequently and thoroughly 0
More cycle of executions can be achieved through automation 0

Test Cases Suitable For Automation

Huge test cases which are time consuming if done manually

Testing high priority cases where human error can’t be afforded

Testing same features repeatedly and simultaneously on multiple systems or cross browser

Testing multi-lingual products

Testing after every release

Test Cases Not Suitable For Automation

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New designed features which have not been tested manually, at least once

Test Cases which frequently change their requirements

Cases which are executed on ad-hoc basis

Robotic Test Automation Process

Feasibility Study and Define scope of Automation: Out of multiple test cases, selecting test cases suitable for automation

Robotic Test Tool Selection: Define a suitable robotic test tool for testing of the desired project.

Customize Robostep automation Framework: Using STEP’s own Robostep Automation framework we cut down time to market by 50%

Developing Automated Test Cases: Define Test workflows in BOT as per the selected tool and environment in Robotstep Automation Framework, preparing for testing of the project

Test Execution and Analysis: Execution of test cases followed by analysis of executed test cases to determine error riddled paths for debugging

Automation Test Maintenance: Helping with change requests, updating tool infrastructure and environment for next test run

Each of the phases of our process are mandatory because they all serve as inputs to the next phase. The results of individual phases are necessary for execution of the following phase.

Get In Touch

Please complete the form and one of our RPA Expert will contact you within 24 hours.
Alternatively, drop us an email at info@steponestepahead.com or give us a call at 212-960-3812.

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