Manufacturing Overall RPA Advantages:
- Improved Efficiency
Handling customer, Bills, Data Migration and logistics related stuff around the clock, fast and effective.
- Secure data control
No manual interventions and error caused due mishandling data
- Customer satisfaction and retention
On time customers query resolution, accurate information provision to customers.
Other Processes in Manufacturing
Bill of Materials
Process Description:
- An important document for production, Bill of Materials (BOM) has a wide list of raw materials, components, sub-components, and other products for the new product creation.
- Employees in the manufacturing industry should refer to the document to get detailed information.
- Then they can be able to get an idea of where to purchase, what to purchase, when to purchase and how to purchase. If any error happens, this will lead to a massive loss in the industry.
- Using the RPA in this section will give the companies create the product much faster, Better data accuracy, and the product creation should be completed on time.
- Using RPA, the check can be done almost immediately.
- Reducing the time taken in gathering detailed information.
- Managing errors.
- Increased consistency speed.
- Better data accuracy.
ROI: Between 70% to 80%
Administrative Tasks
Process Description:
- Administrative tasks in the manufacturing industry are laborious. Reducing the need to complete these allows employees to concentrate on other critical tasks.
- Manufacturing tasks that can be easily automated:
- Recording action items and meeting minutes
- Recording attendance
- Responding to FAQ emails
- Scheduling meetings
- Ordering supplies
- Predicting computer problems
- Creating and filing invoices
- Reducing the time taken to complete the tasks.
- Reduced waiting period.
- Securely manage the information
ROI: Between 70-80%
Customer Support and Service Desk
Process Description:
- The main part of the success of a business is the customer service.
- Resolving customer issues requires navigating through multiple business systems which is time-consuming and requires a lot of effort.
- RPA will be used to alert a reminder while the employee follows up with customers, maintain the contact schedule and if a customer has raised a complaint, it will trigger employees.
- Bot easily integrates with various business systems and based on the customer request extracts the data and presents a unified solution.
- The customer can interact with the customer service management (CSM) either through a self-help portal or an integrated chatbot application.
- Reducing the time taken to process a request.
- Increased consistency speed.
ROI: Between 30% to 70%
Data Migration
Process Description:
- Data migration is moving data from an old system to newly replaced systems. This is the normally happening thing in every manufacturing industry.
- RPA is the perfect choice for migration of data. When a company acquires a new business, they should keep the book of business which consists of their policies.
- Even the data migration for a small concern takes a long time and costs. With proper planning and execution of the RPA will reduce the periods and costs too.
- The turnaround time in migrating data has reduced.
ROI: Between 30-70%
Logistics data automation
Process Description:
- This department manages the transportation of their completed products to their customers.
- While integrating the RPA Transport management system, we can monitor effectively in the transportation of products. It will reduce the human errors.
- When a company is having multiple carriers and multiple insurances, The RPA will give the report of which choice is giving the best cost, insurance, and transit time.
- You can have the real time freight tracking option which includes RPA in the Transport Management System, this will give an enhanced report to you and your customer that when the product will arrive and what are shipping charges.
- Managing errors and reducing the turnaround time.
ROI: Between 30-70%
ERP Automation
Process Description:
- With RPA the reports, like inventory, Accounts Payable and Receivable, Pricing and other reports are automatically generated, and you can automate them to send via email or upload it in a share point folder.
- In the inventory area, A manufacturing industry can monitor the current inventory and will notify them when the stock is low. Then you can automate them to reorder again. They can also mass update the SKU automatically.
- The turnaround time in checking and identifying fraud patterns has reduced.
ROI: Between 30-70%