Client Situation / Challenge / Problem Statement
Process 1: Prize Proposal Process
- Complex Logic to Derive Steel Prices
Client derives everyday steel prices based on a combination of competitor prices and four other parameters. This process involves following over 15 complex rules, making it time-consuming and prone to errors due to human intervention.
Process 2: Sales Contract Creation
- Repetitive & Complex Process
Business users receive Purchase Orders from multiple distributors and create sales contracts in SAP. The process also includes pricing, discount calculations, etc.
Process 3: Sales Order Creation
- Repetitive & Complex Process
Business users receive Purchase Plans from multiple distributors based on sales contracts created and creating sales orders in SAP. Dispatch plans can have multiple line items with varying prices, destinations, etc.
Recommended Solution
RPA Team with experts created complex price-calculating robots handling more than 15+ rules considering multiple parameters. With in-house SAP expertise, the team implemented SAP sales contract creation and sales order creation processes.
Both processes receive data from the distributor portal with a database connection uploading respective details back to the distributor portal.
Implementation of Key Features includes (Representation with Bullets)
- Price proposal robot validating 15+ complex rules to derive base price with business user inputs.
- Bot updating the proposed prices with various other parameters on the client distributor portal.
- Sales contract creation robot extracting pending purchase orders from distributor portal and processing in SAP one by one.
- Sales order creation robot extracting pending purchase plans from distributor portal and processing in SAP one by one.
- Another bot uploading this report to the internal application of the client.
- Extensive use of SQL database for managing huge project information.
- The user of Orchestrator schedules the bots and stores the Assets.
- Dynamically upscale/downscale RPA Bots as per need.

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