Bot doing repetitive task

Bots will take our jobs

Do you know the most common myth about RPA? Bots will take our jobs.

Here is the Mythbuster:

As humans, we are working in different departments, with different operations. We are doing various levels of tasks such as communication with stakeholders, the business team, task planning and defining strategy, solving operation related issues, assisting the team, thinking on complex problems and providing solutions and doing repetitive tasks (which are time-consuming and not helping to upgrade yourself but as SOP need to be followed repeatedly)

Such mundane tasks can get done by a Virtual Assistant i.e. your Software Robot.

For example, if you are an account person, you need to perform different kinds of tasks during your 8 hours of the work period. Where sometimes you need to do communication with other teams or your customers through email, calls, meetings and provide them solutions or help them or discuss your doubts, etc.

Few hours need to spend on handling complex and more thinking level tasks and a few hours need to spend on repetitive tasks depending upon the volume of work. Sometimes you need to spend extra time during your working hours which is hectic and boring where we are not getting any additional experience nor enhancing skillsets. While doing these tasks, the correct way of working is to do it efficiently with no errors and before SLA, which is sometimes not possible to do as a human being.

That’s why we need to take the help of RPA Technology, which can help us to perform such mundane tasks and an account person can focus on other important tasks that he/she needs to take care of.
So the conclusion is here, Software Robots are not going to steal your jobs, they will work as co-workers for you.


CO-Founder / COO

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